Blog: Did You Know

Do you feel like no one cares about you?

Do you feel like no one cares about you?

At some point in life, we may feel like no one cares about us. We might think that our life isn't worth living and that no-one would miss us. Stop here and listen to the truth; let God's word dispel those lies. There is HOPE for YOU! Did you know… That the One True...

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One day- every knee will bow to YHWH

One day- every knee will bow to YHWH

There is only ONE TRUE God. The enemy has created countless counterfeit gods to distract us from serving the One True God. Many are deceived by them.There are many that have been so hurt by the church, that they have decided that there couldn’t be a true God or He would not have let bad things happen. No matter what anyone believes, no matter who anyone serves or worships, no matter if you say you don’t believe in the One True God, there will come a day when we will all bow down to the Him!

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Why should we put on the armor of God?

Why should we put on the armor of God?

As women, we are under constant attack. The enemy is always seeking ways to bring us down and make us feel less than we are. Whether it’s through our relationships, our careers, or our health, the enemy will stop at nothing to destroy us. But there is good news! We have been given the full armor of God to protect us from the enemy’s attacks. In this blog post, we will explore what it means to put on the full armor of God and how we can do it.

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Put the scripture back and get the whole story.

Put the scripture back and get the whole story.

Jeremiah 29:11 – “I know the plans I have for you…”Do you know the whole story? Oftentimes believers share a scripture with others to inspire them. People hold onto those scriptures without ever knowing the whole story. Any time someone gives you a scripture, put it back for context. Read the whole chapter to see what surrounds the scripture in the story. It could mean something totally different than you think.

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How do you deal with grief?

How do you deal with grief?

We are told there are 7 stages of grief. Let me share my experience with grief and a few tips from what I’ve learned. The 7 stages of what? It’s different for everyone. Studies show there are at least seven stages of grieving. Well, I’m here to tell you from personal experience that the stages are not in any particular order and they can keep circulating over and over.

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Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Learn how you can go through every fire in life without getting burned. It is possible! Did you know…that you can walk through fire and not be burned? It’s true. But I’m referring to fire in the spiritual realm. Such as trials and tests in life.

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