Should a follower of Jesus do yoga?

by | Dear Daisy


Dear Daisy,

I’m a Christian and I love to do yoga because I love the stretches. Someone told me that as a Christian I shouldn’t do it.  I responded that I’m not into hokey stuff, I think about Jesus while I’m doing it. Does God really care if I do yoga? ~ Anonymous


Dear Anonymous,

It’s best to do your own research and see the vast articles on what it represents. The short answer is that it’s a Hindu practice that was created to connect you with the dark world. Americans have been led to believe that yoga is exercise; it is NOT! It is a Hindu worship practice that summons demons as you pose and meditate on your deep breathing. Each pose is specifically designed to invite a certain demon into your soul. Imagine doing thirty different poses in a class; that’s thirty demons you welcomed into your soul to torment you.

As for thinking about Jesus while you are doing it; that’s like saying you are thinking about Jesus while you are doing drugs, robbing a bank, or un-aliving someone. Thinking about Jesus while you sin, does not give you a pass on consequences for your sin. Participating in yoga actually breaks God’s 2nd Commandment; look it up (Exodus 20).

The fact that you are asking this question tells me that the Holy Spirit has convicted your heart about doing it. Now that you know the truth, repent; He will forgive you and protect you. I made the same mistake when I was younger; I got sucked into doing yoga as “exercise” because everyone was doing it. I didn’t pray about it, I reasoned my way around the uneasiness inside me so I could participate with my friends. Thankfully the Holy Spirit didn’t give up on me and kept convicting my heart to get my attention. I did my research, and quickly repented. God protected me and I’ve stayed far away from that subject.

Always ask Jesus what you should do in every situation. The Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you. If it’s not okay with Him, He will check your spirit and you will have an uneasy feeling and doubt about going forward. Always follow Jesus; NOT your heart; our hearts are fickle and can’t be trusted. Listen to the Holy Spirit; He is trying to protect you. You have a choice to obey or ignore. Choose to obey and stay under His protection.

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?”
Jeremiah 17:9

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.“
Proverbs 3:5


“When you know you grow!”


May God bless you and keep you, Love Daisy 🌼 

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