Blog: Hope Series

If you love Jesus, don’t miss observing Passover 2024!

If you love Jesus, don’t miss observing Passover 2024!

Do you find yourself in a place where you are telling God, there must be more to “it”? Are you starting to realize that things you have been taught don’t quite add up? Are you restless and finally to the point where you are willing to allow God to show you His truth? Tired of listening to teachers and preachers tell you what God’s Holy Word says? That’s exactly where I found myself a number of years ago that brought me to where I am today. I wanted God to show me. I became hungry for His truth, and no more lies from the world. Passover Week is one of the many lies we have been taught as Christians, and all other faiths who have been taught not to observe this Holy Feast week God mandated for all His followers. How would we know the truth if we weren’t taught? It’s time to know the truth and allow the Holy Spirit to teach us. Ready? Buckle up! Let’s get you pointed in the right direction.

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What does God want from me?

What does God want from me?

What does God want from us? How are we supposed to know? We aren’t mind readers! Believers are trying to live right, go to church, be good, serve well – just like we were taught; so what is missing? What am I doing wrong?!? Answers here! Guess what? I have great news! God breathed an entire book for you that has all you will ever need to answer all your questions. It is packed full of truth, instructions to live life well, answers to your questions, and even tells you what happened in the beginning of time and what will happen all the way until the end of time! But wait! There’s MORE! Not only is it full of stories that you will enjoy that include all the drama you want, love stories, war stories, life, death, wisdom, and so much more, but it is also the one and only book that is breathed by God and is ALIVE! Not sure what that means? Pop into this blog to find all the answers you need, including – why God doesn’t like your sacrifices. Please share. God bless you.
BONUS: There’s a special private party invite inside that you don’t want to miss! Find out how to get your invitation before it’s too late.

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How did things get this bad? What am I supposed to do?!?

How did things get this bad? What am I supposed to do?!?

As you find yourself on the brink and need to make a quick decision on which direction to take, you will discover in this blog that God has your answers waiting for you. They have been there all along. In His Word, the Holy Bible, He encourages us to be bold and courageous, assuring us that He is with us always. How would we know this if we aren’t listening to Him? He has His hand extended towards you for you to take it and follow Him. He wants you to meditate on His Word day and night so that you will be encouraged through your troubles and pending decisions. He promises us that He is working a plan for us that we cannot see. Pop into this blog to learn more and be encouraged by His truths that He has waiting for you. God bless you.

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Did God call you to share His love and truth?

Did God call you to share His love and truth?

As our world spirals during these end-times, unbelievers in Jesus are scrambling to build bunkers and store up things to survive the “Great Reset,” as the world calls it. While they are scrambling in fear, believers in Jesus are excitedly anticipating and looking up for Jesus’ soon return. Jesus has called His chosen set-apart ones to warn the lost and spread His message of love and salvation while there is still time. These chosen ones that have been called by God to warn and share are not behind a pulpit. God is using these special ones to reach all people, not just the ones in the pews in a church building. Jesus said, “go out into the world,” these called ones are doing just that. They don’t realize it, but they are called and appointed evangelists. So why are they saying they have no authority to speak God’s truths, or that He doesn’t speak directly to them? Let’s find out who gave them authority and who He speaks to so they can be encouraged and continue to serve Him with Godfidence!

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Gudgodah! All followers of Jesus have to go thru there.

Gudgodah! All followers of Jesus have to go thru there.

Yesterday was a day of personal spiritual battles with the enemy. God got me through every single one! I was never alone because I allow Him to fight my battles for me. I’ve learned to welcome the battles because God uses them as character building moments. They are painful but necessary as He transforms me into who He created me to be for Him. Today, I woke up battle weary, but not alone; He is with me comforting me as always. Then, God leads me to study and learn about the place called Gudgodah. Sound familiar? Have you heard of it? Let me tell you about this place and why you need to be aware of it. Get your passport ready, because God is going to take you there, if He hasn’t already. No one can go around this place, it’s part of the process of following Him to Heaven. Read and share, to warn your friends. May God bless your journey.

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It’s time to know your Creator, the God of Heaven and earth.

It’s time to know your Creator, the God of Heaven and earth.

In the last ten years, the Holy Spirit has taught me so much that I didn’t know was in the Holy Bible that was breathed by our Creator, the only living God, just for us. When He lead me to study the whole Bible cover to cover, Genesis to Revelation, one of the things I learned is who Adonai our God is, and who He says I am. I learned that one of His names is Adonai, and what it means. In my books and blogs, I use His name to distinguish which God I’m talking about, and to teach you that is one of His names. It has been brought to my attention that a number of people don’t know that name and are uncomfortable with me using it. When I prayed about it, Adonai spoke to me and said to teach you His names. Enjoy getting to know your Creator, His many names and what they mean. Knowing these will help you get to know Him better and bring you closer together as you grown deeper in love and relationship with Him. Enjoy this blog, then share it. Everyone needs to know their Creator and how much He loves them.

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Did I say “for ever”? I meant: “FOR EVER”!!! ~ God

Did I say “for ever”? I meant: “FOR EVER”!!! ~ God

In the dark times we are living in, the enemy is hard at work because he knows his time is short. We are living in the end-times of this world; our generation will witness Jesus’ return. If that comes as a surprise to you, it’s time for you to turn back to Jesus and read the entire Holy Bible. It’s there that God tells you what is to come, what to look for, and what you need to do.
One of the end-times warnings: Jesus tells us to watch for false teachers and many other signs before His soon return. He says we won’t know the day or hour, but we will know the season; we are in that season based on the signs He tells us in His Word to look for. The false teachers He refers to, many are behind the pulpit. Don’t shoot the messenger, ask the Holy Spirit to show you. So many lies are swirling around; “the Old Testament is not relevant, God’s laws were nailed to the cross, etc. In this blog, you will learn whole Bible truth straight from scripture. You will learn what was truly nailed to the cross and what wasn’t, what God says about His whole Word, and what Jesus says about God’s laws. You will learn what God and Jesus meant when they said, “FOREVER!”

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Part 2 – How to witness to your lost loved ones – What Jesus needs you to know

Part 2 – How to witness to your lost loved ones – What Jesus needs you to know

Anyone who grew up in church knows well that we are not supposed to judge others, God is the only one who can judge rightly because only He can see the heart of a person. No one knows us like God, our Creator, does. So how are we to know for sure if a loved one is lost and needs salvation? How are we to know what to say and when we should say it? Learn the difference between interfering versus obeying the Holy Spirits timing and steps to follow. Learn why they get mad at you for caring and how to respond. Learn what Jesus wants you to do and when. In the conclusion of this riveting two part blog that helps give you deep insight and answers to your prayers for your lost loved ones, you will find His peace as you move forward with His plan to help spread His light while allowing Him to save the lost through you. May God bless you.

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Part 1 – How to witness to your lost loved ones – Busting Salvation Myths

Part 1 – How to witness to your lost loved ones – Busting Salvation Myths

Have you ever tried to share Jesus with a lost loved one and failed miserably? They either won’t listen and get defensive, or they argue with you that they are going to Heaven because they are a good person, but you know they aren’t living for Jesus. Are you frustrated that God isn’t answering your prayers for their salvation fast enough? Do you wonder if He is even hearing your prayers for them at all? Maybe you feel like if you could just get them to listen to reason that you could help them see the truth? What is taking God so long to make this happen? We are living in the end times, will He save them in time? What if you get to Heaven and they aren’t there? Will it be your fault somehow? Do feel like you need to help Him make it happen? Learn what Jesus says about witnessing to family and friends. All these answers and more in Parts 1 & 2 of these riveting blogs.

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What’s the big deal about the light of Jesus?

What’s the big deal about the light of Jesus?

In a world filled with darkness, depression, fear, anxiety, confusion, anger, & hatred, where can you find hope? We are surround by death, war, famine, floods, earthquakes, active volcano’s, tornado’s, hurricane’s, warring governments, angry mobs, deception, lying, and the list goes on. Our world is in darkness and spiraling out of control. But wait! Don’t despair. There exists only one source of light that can penetrate through all darkness and it’s FREE!!! All you have to do is ask for it and believe for it. Once you get it, your life will be forever transformed; then you will be eager to share this source of hope. Pop into today’s blog to learn more.

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Who does this earth belong to? Who do we belong to?

Who does this earth belong to? Who do we belong to?

What a crazy time we live in! A time where good is evil and evil is good. A time where people have become desensitized to God’s truth, putting up with, and laughing-off the very things we were taught were wrong. Scripture warns us about these times telling us what to look for, what to expect, and, how to prepare and be ready for the end-times. God is truth, and our truth is in His scriptures in the Holy Bible. If we are not studying the Holy Bible cover to cover, Genesis to Revelation, we are not getting the whole story, the whole truth. This blog will address the latest lie that we are being taught to accept as truth. Pop in and find truth to armor up with. Grab your Bible; keep it with you. Test everything you hear. (1Thessalonians 5:21)

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Does talking about Jesus with others make you uncomfortable?

Does talking about Jesus with others make you uncomfortable?

Have you ever had someone stop you and ask if you know Jesus? Or had a friend or acquaintance ask about your relationship with Jesus? Perhaps someone randomly asked if they could pray for you? For most people it’s really an uncomfortable moment to talk about Jesus. Even for a lifelong church-attender, it’s not uncommon to feel awkward in these situations. Why? Because of the way we’ve been raised. Some were raised to share, and others were raised that it’s no one’s business about your private relationship with Jesus. In scripture, God encourages us to share His love with everyone.
As we find ourselves living in the end-times that Jesus spoke about to watch for, it’s more important than ever to spread His love to others to make sure everyone has a chance to ask Jesus into their hearts and experience His love and eternal peace. God wants that none should perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
Why must we share Jesus with others? Isn’t that the pastor’s job? What does God expect from me? Can’t we just live life and not be bothered with this? Pop into this blog to find these answers.

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How do you become qualified to spread the Gospel?

How do you become qualified to spread the Gospel?

Most everyone has been asked at least once in their life, if they know Jesus and have been saved. You usually get one of two canned responses: 1. “yes,” and they are excited to share their experience and their joy, or, 2. “it’s a personal matter between me and God” (because they don’t know Jesus) as their throat threatens to close up as their heart is racing filled with fear in how to answer that uncomfortable question that is no ones business. Some people will boldly tell you it’s none of your business. Others may even tell you why they don’t believe in Jesus. It’s not up to you to save them. As believers and followers of Jesus our Messiah, we are expected to share His love with others. Jesus died for our sins so that none should have to perish not knowing Him.

What causes you to hesitate to ask someone if they know Jesus? Are you afraid of rejection? Or are you afraid if they say they don’t know Jesus and then ask questions, you won’t be able to answer them? What qualifies you to share the Gospel? What does God expect His followers to do? Pop into this blog to find out these answers and more. By the time you are done reading it you will have your answers and be ready and willing to share the joy that Jesus has given you.

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Have you given up on your dream that God gave you? Do you even remember it?

Have you given up on your dream that God gave you? Do you even remember it?

Do you remember the dream that God gave you so many years ago? Have you forgotten about it or given up on it because of circumstances in your past and have begun to believe it was a silly dream anyway? Did you know that God doesn’t change His mind? He’s not human so He isn’t bound by human abilities. He didn’t change His mind about the dream He put on your heart, life circumstances usually bury our dreams. Not to worry, God has a plan, a plan He’s working that you cannot see. God gives all of His children dreams that are created specifically for each person to fulfill in their lifetime, no matter how long or short that may be according to God’s plan.

I challenge you to read this inspiring story about Joseph’s dream, and then ask God to help you remember the dream He gave you. Ask Him to help you remember it and fulfill it with His help. Joseph could have given up with each setback he experienced, but he didn’t. He kept the faith, and kept trusting God’s plan. Be encouraged by His story and ask God to help you remember, to forgive you for doubting, and cling to Him as He takes you through the steps. There will still be difficult moments as He prunes and refines you, humbles you and teaches you. But you don’t have to worry or dread those moments because He is with you every step. Trust Him.

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Why is life so hard? Why must we mourn? Where is God?!?

Why is life so hard? Why must we mourn? Where is God?!?

Why doesn’t God protect us from pain, sickness, and death? Why would a loving God not protect us from all the evil in this world? Why does God allow us to suffer? Does God really care what I do as long as I’m a good person? Why does Jesus tell us that we are blessed to mourn? Find answers to these questions in today’s blog.

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Why do bad things happen to good people? Does God even care?

Why do bad things happen to good people? Does God even care?

The age-old questions from everyone at one time or another. People ask others for the answer, but they don’t ask God. When they do ask God, they don’t wait for His answer. Either they don’t want to wait for it, or they don’t want to know the answer. We choose to do life our way without God, then feel we have the right to get mad at Him when things don’t go well. He loves you, forgives you, and has all you need to get through this life. Pop into today’s blog to find out how He wants to bless you. Discover what He has waiting for you.

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How to find comfort, peace, and true love!

How to find comfort, peace, and true love!

Is it possible to find comfort, hope, peace, and love in these end-times with war raging all around us? Every morning we wake up to more bad news from all over the world. People are living in fear and desperation as they are looking for answers. Others are filled with rage and anger looking for trouble. What are we supposed to do? Are we about to witness World War 3?!? In this blog there are answers to all your questions, pop in to find how to truly walk with comfort, hope, peace and love during the battle, with your head held high.

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Does God expect me to pray for the evil ones?

Does God expect me to pray for the evil ones?

In this broken & fallen world we live in that seems to be spiraling out of control with each passing day with complete wickedness & evil, how are we supposed to pray? Who is right? Who is wrong? Good has become evil and evil has become good. In a world that is used to divisiveness, we find ourselves yet again in a new chapter where everyone is asking whose side are you on? When will this madness end? When will normal come back? When will Jesus come back? What are we supposed to do until then? Give us wisdom to see your truth please God! Pop into this blog to get answers, direction from God, and receive His hope and peace.

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Want to know how to win a war or battle?

Want to know how to win a war or battle?

Do you know how to win a war? There is one proven way to win any war, any battle, or fight. Whether you are in the military, or fighting a personal battle of your own, there is a guaranteed way to always win. You can’t do it by yourself, or in your own strength, no matter how smart, experienced or determined you are to win. It’s in these moments that you discover at some point in the fight, that you literally have no personal control over the circumstances or the outcome. There is one certain way that you can win though. Pop into today’s blog to find out more.

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Does God know what’s going on down here?

Does God know what’s going on down here?

Oy vey! What is God’s plan? Does He see what’s going on down here? Does He even care? Are you feeling angry, shocked, hurt, betrayed, alone, and helpless? Have you lost your hope? Are you having a hard time with those who say you should be praying for the wicked and evil ones? Perhaps you are wondering when He is going to come save you from this evil world? Do you have a million questions for God and no answers? Let’s see if we can find some of these answers and more to help you in today’s blog.

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Looking for hope, and answers to your prayers?

Looking for hope, and answers to your prayers?

Do you feel hopeless and fearful in these end-times we are experiencing in our world today? Did you know that your fears and anxiety stem from misplaced hope? Even Believers in Jesus can have misplaced hope and not realize it. We can be so consumed with our lives and striving for success and happiness, that we can fail to see that our hope is in our goals, not our Creator. If you are experiencing fear, anxiety, depression, or hopelessness, pop over to today’s blog and discover a true story about misplaced hope and how God’s grace and mercy can lead to completely indescribable eternal peace.

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Why are you here? What is your purpose in life?

Why are you here? What is your purpose in life?

Wondering why God put you on this earth at this moment and time? Have you ever felt like you were a mistake? Do you wonder if you matter in the big scheme of things? Do you find yourself worrying how to juggle all the stress and spinning plates in your life and in the lives of others? Is the world’s chaos weighing you down with worry? Do you feel that what you are doing isn’t making anything better? Pop into today’s blog and learn how to discover why God created you and how to fulfill your purpose while walking in indescribable peace.

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Drowning in your problems? Is God punishing you?

Drowning in your problems? Is God punishing you?

Drowning in your problems and wondering if God is punishing you for something? Why does it seem like you can’t catch a break? You barely get through one battle before you are hit with another. When will this end? Does God love you? Learn in today’s blog what is actually going on and how to find hope and peace in the process. Discover what God thinks about you.

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