Learn why a non-Jew should observe Passover week

by | God’s Feasts


Can non-Jews also observe Passover?

It’s time for the truth, God’s truth!

(If you missed the blog from last Friday on why all Jesus’ followers should be observing Passover, follow this link and read it too. It gives lots to think about, answers many questions, and
raises others for you to search out with the Holy Spirit.)


Can non-Jews also observe Passover? Answer: Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! God sent His son to die for all of our sins. He wants all of His creation to choose Him, obey and follow to spend eternity with Him. God created each of His Feasts with very special meaning. They are not Jewish feasts, they are God’s Feasts for all of His followers to observe from generation to generation forever.

So why would a non-Jew want to observe Passover? It is difficult for a non-Jew who observes God’s Feasts now to clearly articulate how fulfilling it is to celebrate each of them; you have to experience it firsthand to understand. Most non-Jews have grown up being brainwashed their entire life that these are Jewish feasts and we are not to acknowledge them. We are taught they are not for us as Christians, of course, we are also taught not to read the First Testament of the Bible where the truth about these Feasts are taught by God. That alone should be a red-flag to cause you to dig deeper for God’s truth.

When you choose to study the whole Holy Bible, God will teach you all truth. It is then that you will discover in God’s Word that these are His feasts for all His followers. This one revelation alone will rock your world and change your life. If you stick with studying the whole Holy Bible, the Holy Spirit will teach you so much you were never taught, but He will also show you things that you were taught incorrectly; a man-made version of the truth.

Don’t waste time being mad at those who didn’t teach you truth. Instead, spend your time focusing on His Word and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach you everything (1John 2:27, Jeremiah 33:3). You will have so much fun learning with the Holy Spirit that you will not want to put His Living Word down. The way I would describe the learning experience is comparing it to drinking through an open firehose. Once the Holy Spirit begins to reveal things to you, revelation will flow so fast it will be hard to keep up. Journals, recording, and note-taking are a must. It’s mind-blowing fun learning from Him.

Along those same lines, I recently heard a young girl share her testimony that was quite heart-warming. She made a statement that I had not heard before. She shared that she had spent her whole life running from God trying to sin as much as possible so that He would give up on her and leave her alone. What she found is that her plan backfired. One day she stopped running and looked up; Jesus radically changed her life. She now loves sharing her testimony and what she is learning. She says she is now addicted to His Holy Word and doesn’t want to put it down. It was a joy to hear her testimony and excitement for Jesus that she is now sharing for others to find too. She says, “I just can’t get enough!”

That’s what it’s like! That’s what being in love with Jesus is like. When you invite Him in and have that close relationship with Him, you have to share Him with others. And you want all the gifts that He has for you; God’s Feasts are just some of the gifts available. There’s more!

When God shows you the truth and you want to honor Him by obeying Him in all ways and He shows you this revelation, it’s mind-blowing.

His feasts have significant eternal meaning. God gives us clear instructions on what they mean, and how to observe them, in His Holy Bible. Like your walk with Jesus is different than anyone else’s experience, what you get from observing His Feasts is a personal experience as well.

You might be surprised to learn that there is no stress in observing these Feast events? It is an actual fun and peaceful time of gathering with your family, or other believers, as you eat and recount the scriptures that go with each Feast and its meaning. It makes you feel closer to God and and Jesus as He washes you with such peace before, during and after for honoring Him through these observances. You can read about them in Exodus 12 & Leviticus 23.

You don’t have to be a Jew to observe God’s Feasts for all His followers. The non-Jews who observe His feasts are not trying to become a Jew, they are simply honoring the Feasts that God created especially for His followers; it’s such a special gift of love from Adonai for us. It’s like being in a special club, except that all are invited. Sadly, few come.

Point to Ponder: The Passover Feast was always about Jesus. If you love Jesus, God expects you to observe His Feasts. You’ve always been invited, you just weren’t given His invitation. Study the Holy Bible yourself. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you all things.

May God bless you and keep you.

Go read Exodus 12 and Leviticus 23 and study the feasts. To learn more about a relationship with Jesus, follow this link: https://chosencrowned.one/good-news/

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