Super Bowl 2024 – Wake up people! Your life depends on it!

by | The End Times


Super Bowl 2024

Things are not always as they seem


What were your thoughts on the elaborate show? Did you watch it? Did you love it? Maybe you were there? Did you like the commercials? Have a favorite commercial? Was the half-time show everything you hoped for? Did you enjoy the love-story that was built around it as part of the show? Did your kids enjoy watching the show with you this year? Maybe you went to a party and told the sitter they could watch it with her? It’s just fun and entertainment, no big deal, right?

Well, hopefully it would make a difference to you if you knew that the entertainment industry is run by the serpent himself, including this big event.  This is his show and he is the master of deception. The Super Bowl is not about football. It’s the enemy’s largest event in America where he can lure people in to deceive and destruct. While many are distracted by the glitz, glamor, celebrities and “funny” commercials, the enemy is seeking to steal, kill, and destroy as many humans as he can in one night.

What would appear to be a fun family event to enjoy, the whole thing is scripted from the very first second all eyes turn to it. The pre-game show was scripted, the game was scripted, the commercials were scripted, the love story was scripted, and the half-time show told a complete demonic story in the music and in every detail of the “performance.” Even if you missed the demonic references, the enemy was still able to use them to seep into your soul as you watched. You can’t unsee them. He even designed a commercial about a fake worldly Jesus that allows you to live in your sin. 

Think about this as we move on here: why would God our Creator send His only son to die on the cross to redeem us of our sins, if, according to that commercial, he loves you just as you are as you continue to live in your sin? That would mean He died for nothing. Only those who don’t know scripture would believe that “tale” that was scripted.

The very same one that deceived Eve in the garden has been deceiving humans ever since the garden days working hard to get us to turn from God and hate Him. Satan has been very successful, and those who are deceived by him have no clue the severe consequences for their decision to turn from God. He is good at what he does and has many helping him to turn you away from God. Be aware, the deception is real and it’s right in front of your face.

Why am I writing this blog?

  1. God told me to share what He tells me to type.
  2. I am praying that you snap out of your stupor and see God’s truth.
  3. We both want you to repent and turn away from sin and cling to the real Jesus, the one who died for you.
  4. We both want to save you from an eternity burning in hell.

“This man will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles. He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies. Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth.” 2Thessalonians 2:9-12

Read that last line again.

Eyes open, eyes on Jesus


What God showed me.

During the Fall football season 2023, God began to speak to me and show me things I had not noticed before. He told me to step back and observe.

Growing up in Alabama, you are expected to choose one of two teams in the state to cheer for; I naturally chose the one that I grew up watching adults in my family cheer on. I always cheered for our team but I was never a fanatic fan. Usually I watch the game while occupying myself with things to do during the game. I like to see our team win, but I’m not going to watch every play, scream at the tv, or have to wear a lucky shirt and brag about winning to others. So when God told me to step back and observe, it wasn’t a big step back because I wasn’t that into it anyway.

The purpose of this blog is not to discredit the sport or the fans. It’s to share observations from my “stepped back” position God suggested. Now He has told me to share these observations with you. You might be interested to read what He showed me.


College football season 2023

During regular college football season, I stepped back near the end to observe the games, the fans, the commentators, the coaches, and other college teams through a different lense. What I began to notice was a change in the “atmosphere.” It seemed we (players and fans of various teams including my team) had gone from sportsmanship and healthy competition to anger, jealousy, and pride. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Everyone was angry about something not going their way for their team or they were full of pride with their success. Some were talking ugly about other teams that were nowhere close to the definition of sportsmanship. I even had a girlfriend say something out of line about our coach, woman to woman. Why would women feel the need to be ugly about sports to other women? What has our world come to?

God showed me that there was more going on than the natural view could see. He said, “everything is not as it appears.” Intrigued, I continued to pray and ask Him what He was trying to show me. This experience was a couple of months before He rocked my world with the horrific glimpse He gave me of hell in a dream. The dream that got my attention and caused me to start warning you guys so that you don’t spend eternity there; it’s not for humans.

Anywho, Adonai said to stay close and pay attention to things He was about to show me about the deception going on around us. The feeling washing over me was that it’s all staged entertainment to distract us while larger things are going on behind the scenes with the elite and evil forces. Before you call me crazy, pray about it and ask God to give you discernment to understand what He is having me share with you in this blog; what He wants to show you specifically.


While you weren’t looking

The college football playoff’s occurred with lots of negative backlash between teams and people that were literally outraged at pairings of teams and decisions made by the higher ups.  Fans and teams were all in an uproar name-calling, it was literally a circus. Fights were even breaking out on the field more than normal. While everyone in America was distracted by the college football drama, real life was going on and no one was paying attention.

Israel was suddenly brutally attacked, war breaks out, riots and protests breakout worldwide, American leadership begins to quickly unravel, politics become a clown show, immigrants are pouring over the borders of America, civil war threats in America pop up, people are run out of hotels and kids are run out of schools to house the immigrants while they are being given “free” everything, nations rising against other nations, weather events and earthquakes have gone off the charts, crops, food, and meat are at risk and becoming scarce, farmers battling for their rights to work and provide for us, aliens popped up as non-fiction, AI is taking over and beginning to replace people in jobs, digital id’s and digital currency are getting put into place, Elon has implanted the first computer chip into a human brain, the one world government is getting their plans in order to take over everything, and the list goes on.

This isn’t the first time Americans and humans all around the world have been distracted so that evil can work its plan to steal, kill, and destroy. It has been going on since the beginning of time.

All of this chaos is going on while Adonai is separating the wheat from the chaff, the lambs from the goats; His remnant is being set apart. This remnant that consist of believers in Jesus our Messiah and Adonai God our Creator that are turning to Him and going “all-in.” He is teaching them and showing them things He hasn’t shown before as the end is near. He is showing them end-times signs that He speaks of in His Holy Word, the Holy Bible. He is showing it to those who believe He is who He says He is and who believe He will do what He says He will do.


Where did “normal” go?

Even if you don’t like football, most people will watch the Super Bowl just to see the special, very expensive commercials and/or the half-time show. I used to be one of those people. In the last handful of years it began to lose its luster with me as I was drawing closer to Adonai. In 2023, I turned it on just to see the commercials and half-time show while I did other things; I wasn’t interested in the game. So why did I do this? Out of habit; because I’ve always done it. I remember wrestling with myself about why I felt like I needed to watch it when I didn’t want to. It’s the pull of evil that works to lure us into deception. 

Last year, when the half-time show came on it was not what I expected, at all! What I was shocked to see was a show very overtly demonic in nature, symbolism, and persuasion. This was right around the time of the Grammy’s program that I heard about that had demonic performances as well, that I later saw on social media; I was horrified at what I witnessed. 2023 seemed to be the year for the demonic to jump up front and center on all the stages in the world. What used to be hidden was now not hidden; it was in our faces whether we liked it or not. Suddenly everything that is in direct opposition to the Holy Bible was taking center stage everywhere you looked. In the 2023 “show,” the commercials for the Super Bowl were not great, and then when I saw the half-time show with Rihanna, my mouth just dropped open. It was a glaring sign that our world was changing quickly and Bible prophecy was unfolding more rapidly. How did I know this? I had been studying the whole Bible for two years straight at that point. The world changed so dramatically, and quickly in 2020, and it would not take long to discover that the world we thought we knew was gone forever. Normal was never coming back. What is coming back though, is Jesus! 


Super Bowl 2024

While Adonai was showing me things in the world that were going on while everyone has been distracted by one thing or the other, here comes Super Bowl 2024. Adonai made it very clear to me repeatedly, “don’t watch it.” Message received. There would be no need to wrestle with myself this year; God had spoken. I knew that there would be plenty of social media posts about it that would show the highlights of the evil. I was not mistaken. What I saw from these posts were not surprising, God had already been warning me and showing me. What was also not surprising but disappointing was to see good people sucked into this evil thinking it was innocent entertainment.

While everyone was preparing for the game, I spent a lot of time praying for everyone. I had a foreboding feeling about the “show” knowing that it was birthed by the enemy, it always has been his show. Adonai brought to light many evils in this world in 2023, and a specific one He showed all of us was the human trafficking problem in all its ugliness. While Adonai was revealing that to us, the enemy was working hard to distracting us with other evils. Suddenly the trafficking problem wasn’t headline news anymore. Well, it doesn’t change a thing, it’s still happening. Large public events like this are a hotbed for trafficking. While everyone is drinking, cheering, partying, and celebrating there is evil swirling all around and no one notices, or cares.

This past year, a very popular self-proclaimed, practicing witch that sings to fans all over the world, that parents are paying big bucks for their daughters to see this witch in person, is suddenly teamed up with an NFL player to bring the attention of a younger crowd to the sport. Suddenly, all talk has been about this “power couple” instead of the sport itself but their relationship drew a much larger crowd to the event this year.

This would be a good time to step back yourself, and think about how the NFL plan to appeal to a younger audience could be a success unless they knew the team that would make it to the playoffs and win. Could this have all been scripted? One of those things that should make you go, “hmmm?” There was a post immediately after the game on the current American President’s X account that was shared that has evil eyes and says something like, “happened just as we wrote it.” Check it out.

Anywho, now children were watching the whole game to see this witch, and apparently the camera’s were on her constantly. The young girls are mesmerized by her and look up to her; no age or gender is exempt from her spell. I know adults who love her music and shows as well. You may have noticed that a huge production was made about her flying across the world to get from her concert to this game just in time, the media was even giving play by play of where her plane was and when she would arrive. It was mind blowing to see these posts. Why would anyone care unless there was something sinister going on that we can’t see? Not only does she arrive in time but she also brings a sister-witch with her that is openly making witchcraft signs during the game.

Keep in mind, I didn’t watch any of this Live; it was all bits shared on social media. I’m observing all these pieces thru posts that are shared. I then see clips of Usher’s show. Volume muted, I didn’t have to see the whole show to immediately see the demonic references that were subtle but glaring through what I viewed. You must believe that the serpent is cunning and deceives well.

Then, I saw on Facebook where three people I know that identify as Christians are talking about what a great half-time show it was, not even noticing the demonic references. I read one of the threads to see what this person’s friends were saying about it and it was mind-blowing. They loved it or it was so-so, but the comments that jumped out at me were the ones that stated: “kid-friendly,” “nothing a child couldn’t watch this year,” “so nice not to have the demonic influences like last year.” !!! My heart broke as my mouth dropped open in stunned disbelief. So many are deceived believing the lies the enemy is feeding them. Remember, I used to be one of them. Since God has opened my eyes to see these tricks, I’m no longer fooled by them. But it still hurts me to see those who are deceived.


The real Jesus vs the fake Jesus

We can’t cover this story without covering the Jesus references in this “show.” Before I say anything else, let me remind you whose “show” this is. It’s Lucifer’s show! Also known as the devil, Satan, and the serpent. This “show” is Not to be confused with anything related to our Creator, the God of Heaven and earth, Adonai, and His one true son, Jesus our Messiah, that came in human form to die on the cross to redeem us from our sins; not to give us permission to live in them.

This “show” belongs to Lucifer.

I’m making that as clear as I possibly can so that you will hopefully see, this is not Adonai’s “show,” it’s not Jesus our Messiah’s “show.” That point being made: Jesus our Messiah was NOT there, nor was He advertised in commercials. The Jesus they “showed” was a Jesus of their own making. One that fits their agenda and makes them feel good. A Jesus that Lucifer can use to entice sinners to stay in their sin. No need to stop doing what you are doing. There is no need for conviction of doing anything wrong. This fake Jesus will love you just like you are. No need to read your Bible. No need to change anything you are doing. Be happy. Feel the love from this fake Jesus.

For the record, Jesus did not go around washing people’s feet; they washed His. He ONLY washed the disciples feet the night before He died to bless them to spread His gospel. In His brief human ministry, He sought out sinners and healed them and asked them to turn from their sins and follow Him in all ways. Some did; most didn’t. He DID NOT “hang-out” with sinners. If they didn’t turn from their sins, He kept moving to give everyone a chance to turn from their sins.

Remember, the enemy is the master of deception. Be no longer deceived by him, in the name of Jesus. Amen. Pray and ask Jesus to show you, don’t take my word for it. Go to your Bible .


Time for answers!

  • What do we do with this information?
  • What’s the plan?
  • What are we here for?
  • What is the purpose of believing in Jesus?!?
  • There’s got to be more to the story of life!
  • I need answers!

I have called myself a Christian my whole life; grew up in church. I have always believed in Jesus. I believe He is the son of God, as I was taught. I believe in Him, I invited Him into my heart when I was young. I was baptized when I was 5. I went to church every time the doors were open. I have always been a good person. BUT, I wasn’t living my life for Him. I wasn’t following Him and His ways. I wasn’t obeying all His commands. I was doing what I was taught to do as far as being a good person, go to church, tithe, invite others to church, but I didn’t know Him and was not following His plan for my life. I was what they call: lukewarm, straddling the fence, one foot in – one foot out with Him …until… I finally hit rock bottom in my life, while doing life on my terms, and I turned to Him and cried for help. I knew there had to be more to this life and His purpose in my life. It was time to choose which way I was going from here. No more straddling the fence, it’s time for “all-in” or not at all.

“You cannot drink from the cup of the Lord and from the cup of demons, too. You cannot eat at the Lord’s Table and at the table of demons, too.” 1Corinthians 10:21

We must choose. I began to ask myself, why do I believe in Jesus, what’s the purpose of this “exercise.” Why do I believe what I believe? I asked Him and allowed Him to show me. What a turning point in my life!

I had committed myself to Adonai a number of years ago, then the enemy would work hard trying to pull me back down again. I wrestled with him for years until I hit the bottom again. But it wasn’t until about ten years ago that I went “all-in” for good. It’s a must! All-in or nothing! No half-ways. Half-ways give the enemy leverage to pull you back down. Trust me, I speak from experience.

I recently heard an interview of a well-known artist speaking about his faith before he passed away months later. He said he  believed in Jesus and read scripture every day and had faith. He stated that: “all you need to do is believe.” Well, sadly, that’s not true; that’s not what scripture says. I tested his theory myself; it’s not true. You must repent, believe, turn from your sins and follow Him. In following Him, you must study your Bible to know His ways. How can you follow His ways if you don’t know them? When you study His word, you learn and then you follow. You are known as His by the fruits of the Spirit that are seen flowing through you.

It’s not enough to believe Jesus is the son of God.
That would be like saying you believe in marriage and say I do to someone and then go live life on your own away from your spouse. It doesn’t work!  Make sense?

“Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Matthew 16:24

“So Jesus said … “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32

Follow Him and dive into His Word, the Holy Bible, so you know His ways for you. It’s time to wake up and get off the crazy train. Please don’t believe the lies anymore. Turn to Jesus today before it’s too late. He loves you. He forgives you. He is waiting for you with His arm outstretched to you. Take His hand and follow Him. This world has nothing of value to offer you. Choose the real Jesus today.


In closing,

let’s make sure your heart is right with the Lord so that you can enjoy getting to know Him and what He has for you. It’s time to take your life back from the enemy and give it to the real Jesus your Messiah that died for your sins so that you could spend eternity with Him.

Don’t complicate the process for salvation. Keep it simple. Whether you have prayed this before, rededicate your life today and go “all in” with Him. It’s time for a deeper relationship with your Creator, Adonai.

Do the ABC’s and repent today.

  • A: Admit that you are a sinner. (Romans 3:23, Isaiah 64:6, Ephesians 2:8-9)
  • B: Believe in your heart that Jesus is the son of God and that He died for your sins and rose from the dead for you. (John 3:16-18, 1Corinthians 15:1-4)
  • C: Call on Jesus and repent of your sins and turn back to Him and ask Jesus to show you the way. (Romans 10:9-13, John 14:6)


May God bless you and keep you.

Put everything to the test.
Hold on to what is good.”
1 Thessalonians 5:21

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